New return at the Port of Rio de Janeiro improves urban mobility
Last Thursday (18th), the return stop on Avenida Rio de Janeiro, in Bairro do Caju, was opened to vehicle traffic, making it unnecessary for drivers to drive to the Benfica Viaduct to return to the Center or South Zone The new return, paid for by the terminals of the Port of Rio de Janeiro, improves the city's urban mobility, 'relieving' traffic in the Port Region, which is intense because of the port, of the National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (Into), the two rising loops of the Rio x Niterói Bridge and for being the beginning and end of Avenida Brasil.
The port terminals ICTSI Rio Brasil 1, MultiRio Port Operations, Multi-Car Rio Vehicle Terminal, Triunfo Logística and the Union of Port Operators of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Sindoperj) funded the construction work for the new return. The project had the support of Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro (CDRJ), the Port Authority that manages the Port of Rio de Janeiro, and the Brazilian Association of Users of Ports, Transport and Logistics (Logística Brasil). It also had the approval of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, through the Porto Region Urban Development Company (CDURP), the Project Management Coordination (CGP), the Municipal Conservation Secretariat (Seconserva) and the Engineering Company of RJ Traffic (CET-Rio).
It is important to emphasize that, as the new return has a height limitation (3.30m) due to the structure of the viaduct that gives access to the Rio x Niterói Bridge, truck and bus traffic is prohibited on it. In addition to having the best road signs in the city, the return has sensors and warning lights for excess height, as well as an extremely resistant sacrificial gantry, whose function is to prevent the impact of any vehicle, incompatible in terms of height, with the structure of the viaduct. Anyone traveling along Avenida Rio de Janeiro, next to the wall of the Port of Rio de Janeiro, can access the new return route about 200 meters after Gate 24, take another lane towards the West Zone, turn left into Largo Eng. Leonel Trota and take Avenida Brasil again, towards Centro.